Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Feeling on your duty, part II

Happy 4th of July, yo! Are you feeling independent?

Me and Q are going to cold chill it out in the crib tonight while Dad goes out to see fireworks or to the movies or something. But a dog ain't going out there to that madness. These Massachusetts people go crazy over their independence. Just because the American Revolution started out here, they still try to go buckwild with their tea parties today.

A dog has a different agenda. I'm just happy to be able to poop and pee where I see fit and no body don't throw me in no pound for it. I'm also happy that Dad and I make bank so we can chill out in a new apartment and watch some Animal Planet. I'm also glad I ain't no Third World mutt struggling to get his grub on. I gots the good stuff in my bowl.

(not's just da truth).

If it's your birthday
Then put your hands up
You wanna get drunk
Then put your hands up
And if you got some cash
Then put your hands up
Have your own job
Put your hands up...


Blogger Joe Stains said...

tupac, thanks for stopping by and reading my blog, I think your blog is hilarious. I will be checking back for updates!

8:01 PM  
Blogger Ruby Bleu said...

Hey Tupac...
Thanks for visiting my blog! You are so funny! I'm going to add you to my friends, ok?

Lots of Licks and happy 4th...I'm with you...stayin' in and eatin' some snackies!


8:52 PM  
Blogger Isabella said...

Don't have no hands so can't put 'em up, but my tail is wagging- does that count for sumpin?

I'm not sure what you're saying in your posts, but it's interesting- I get the feeling you might be a player and too savvy for a simple nice girl like me.
Big Wags,

10:15 PM  

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